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3rd and 4th Grade Retreat

Please use this form to register and pay for our 3rd & 4th Grade Retreat at the Holden Arboretum on September 15, 2019. Drop off at the Temple at 9:30am and pickup at 4:00pm. All fields marked by an asterisk (*) require input.

(Ex: John Doe, 3rd Grade)

No - (If you select no please complete the box below)

A response is required. Please type "n/a" if you chose "Yes" above.

Emergency Contact Information

An asterisk (*) indicates a require field.

Leave as "No" if you are paying online now. Change to "Yes" if you are paying by check or cash the day of the event. Please be aware that by reserving now you will be responsible for payment.

Account Details

Enter your name and e-mail address for your confirmation:

Payment Information

Increase the payment amount by 3% to cover credit card fees (No fee for Checking)

For added Security please check the box below.